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Nacházíte se zde: Úvod Knihovnický institut Knihovna knihovnické literatury Novinky_KKL_archiv Novinky KKL 2024 listopad

Novinky KKL 2024 listopad

Teaching life skills at the library : programs and activities on money management, career development and more / Kimberli S. Buckley

Halo Data : understanding and leveraging the value of your data / Caroline Carruthers and Peter Jackson

Cywilizacja wiedzy - wyzwanie dla bibliotek : materialy z konferencji naukowej zorganizowanej przez biblioteke glowna wojskowej akademii technicznej / pod redakcja Izabelli Matuszewskiej

Ethics in linked data / B. M. Watson, Alexandra Provo, and Kathleen Burlingame

How libraries survive thrive : a guide for librarians and everyone else in Europe

Promocja aktywnosci fizycznej w instytucjach kultury / Marlena Geborska

Meet me at the library : a place to foster social connection and promote democracy / Shamichael Hallman

Inclusive cataloging : histories, context, and reparative approaches / edited by Amber Billey, Elizabeth Nelson, and Rebecca Uhl

Przepisy kancelaryjne i archiwalne dla bibliotek / Anna Jastrzebska-Pawlak

The librarian's guide to learning theory : practical applications in library settings / Ann Medaille

Creating a reading culture in primary and secondary schools : a practical guide / Margaret K. Merga

Tajný život knih : prečo knihy znamenajů viac než slová / preložila Ivana Krekáňová

Understanding public libraries, management, leadership and ideology / JohnPateman

Jezuitská a univerzitná knižnica v Trnave : hladanie spoločného kultůrného dedičstva / Hadrián Radváni

Renouveler les médiations du patrimoine en bibliothéque / sous la direction de Caroline Poulain

The rise of AI : implications and applications of artificial inteligence in academic libraries / edited by Sandy Hervieux, and Amanda Wheatley

Informačná etika vo vzťahoch človeka a informácie v informačnej vede / Jela Steinerová

Your craft as teaching librarian / using acting skills to create a dynamic presence / by Jeff Sundquist, Julie Artman, Douglas K. Dechow

Auditing diversity in library collections / Sarah Voels

The librarian's guide to bibliotherapy / Judith H. Ward, Nicholas A. Allred

The art of communication : a librarian's guide for succesfull leadership, collaboration, and advocacy / Hilda K. Weisburg
